rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon


...thebossmustnotgetfuriouswiththeboss...and repeat!
what a day...it started really well - think i was still in a giddy mood after talking to anjali the night before..this didn't last as i smacked myself in the face while attempting to get through the turnstile into work...my boss introduced a new slightly farcical rule to which i sighed at a bit loudly as it was ridiculous, forgetting i was in a team meeting, to which he turned on me and had a massive lecturing go at me which went on for quite a long time! my blood was boiling...(i have now accepted it was a bit my fault) i didn't need a lecture...went for extended tea break to calm down missing my date...i mean meeting with my new favourite hottie at work...spent the majority of the day trying to think of a solution which would mean that my precious mid-week gardening time would not be taken away from me..found a solution and implemented...was glad to meet karen for lunch for a massive rant (she was a bit shocked!), had rant at bloke who's idiotic behaviour has caused new worse-than-prison-like rules at work ...went for run with some very loud music and felt better...had rant at dad on phone...now it's time for wine! let's hope tomorrow is better! eek!

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