Plus ça change...

By SooB

Here be dragons

A day of many parts, all of them involving work of one kind or another. The picture above is a detail from the fabric that will eventually be the blinds in our kitchen. Mr B chose it. It's not black and white, but I'm going off the colours the more I have to battle it through the sewing machine, so black and white is what you get. Actually, I often go through that with fabric, and then come back round to liking it again. Of course I wouldn't have gone off the beautiful red checky fabric that was supposed to be in the kitchen. But I can't go on about that saga as I think that might be a backblip in waiting...

A huge load of gravel arrived in the courtyard today, and since I seemed to be the only grown up around other than our leader Yves, I felt duty-bound to help spread it around. Back-breaking work with shovel, wheelbarrow and rake, but it all looks rather lovely now.

Later, there was some treating of sarking. This is where you nod knowledgeably and say "Oh yes, sarking. Good work." Like you know what sarking is. And I nod back and say wisely "Yes, sarking. Indeed" Like I know what it is. I suspect if Mr B ever reads this I will soon know exactly what it is (is it the wood under the eaves of a roof?) I'm amazed I've got this far - through all the many sarking discussions over the past few weeks - without admitting my ignorance. Anyway, it's treated now.

More work involved researching some legal do-dah for Mr B and trying to help out with the maze of tax filings we seem to have gotten ourselves into.

(I used to loathe that word - gotten - but it reminds me of some lovely Americans I used to work with, so now I find myself using it more and more.)

So now, all aching and in need of a warm bed, I should really get on with the blinds, or the ironing, or prep for my lesson on Thursday, or that tax return... or finishing watching that long Danish movie and eating a bar of chocolate - hurrah! We have a winner.

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