A diary of sorts

By Tempus_Fugit


I lost Toby on his evening walk last night. He does disappear from time to time, only to reappear a few minutes later trotting back towards me oblivious to the mild concern that he had just caused. 

Last night was different. After initially waiting then looking for him for 20 something minutes he was nowhere to be seen. Confident  that he couldn't be anywhere in the fairly small wooded area where I last saw him I was going to have widen the search. It was time to bite the bullet and call the wife. 

"Are you okay James?"
"I'm fine but I've lost that daft dog"
"No you haven't he's right here,  where are you?

It transpires that when he was unable to find me that hound of mine had decided to head back home of his own accord and let himself in through the front door. No one Iin the house had realised I  wasn't with him until I made the phone call!

Suffice to say he was rather pleased to see me when I got home. I may have been quite happy to see him too.

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