Set up in the Shade

The Low Light theme for MonoMonday turned out to be a bigger challenge than I expected. I took this photo in the shade but that pot still picked up light from somewhere. The design stand out.....I like it .....but it may not be a good photo for low light.  

By the way, yesterday's bird was a Pine Siskin. I put a full size of him in the extra if you are interested in seeing him.

I pruned one of my Japanese Maples and did a little more weed pulling; I have decided the perfectly weed free yard may be impossible. I just get one area done and the one I did earlier already has new weeds. They are hardy little plants......I suppose that is why they are weeds.

I just came into the house and uploaded some flower photos I took around the yard; as soon as I sat down a heavy rain storm came through with gusty winds. I just saw one of my lawn chairs blown across the deck; hubby said it looked like a 40 MPH gust. The birds have all quickly disappeared; I suppose they are sheltering in place (in the rhododendron bushes). Just in the time I typed that the rain and wind have stopped and the birds are starting to return. Strange weather. I am glad I got in before that happened.

We are doing well....staying home.....I hope you have a pleasant day too.

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