
By OutAndAbout01

Born Slippy

Today's tune was chosen as today is 'international widwife day' which I have spent with my lovely Lady V who is of course a midwife. Not today though as she's been busy helping fill the compost bin with horse shit from the field, we topped up the two raspberry troughs as well and had a great fruit last year by doing same.

So this afternoon we shall chill in the sun together, possibly greenhouse and raise a glass to all the other midwifes who are doing such a good job during this pandemic.....I'd expect them to be really busy next year as people have so much time on their hands that there will be plenty babies being made :)

'Let your feelings slip boy
But never your mask boy
Random blonde bio high density random
Blonde boy blonde country blonde high density
You are my drug boy
You're real boy
Speak to me and boy dog
Dirty numb cracking boy
You getting wet boy’

Hyde Karl / Smith Rick

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