My Aim is True



Impromtu days are the best. Unexpectedly one of my friends was in town today. Someone who is just great to spend time with, very difficult not to spend time in their company without laughing outrageously at some ridiculous chat! And we spent a couple of hours in one of my favourite places.

It was a lovely evening so I walked home and took lots of great photos (well....great for me....)

I spent a wee while trying to decide what was the best one to upload. But this blip reminds me of an early morning a few years ago when the view across The Meadows was totally perfect, and I have regularly wished that I'd had a digital camera in those days so that I could have captured it.

very excited to notice that tonight I will probably pass 150,000 views. Although that's quite a bit less than lots of other blippers, it's still really quite phenomenal when you think about it isn't it?

Oh...., and how intruiging is google street views?

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