Hellcat - news and views

By hellcat2009

Banana bump

Told my class that I am pregnant today. As they are 10, I decided to break the news in a more jnteresting way, so I put together a short PowerPoint. First I showed some pictures of a human egg (found some beautiful microscope pics on google) and some of the early stages of development. I held up various fruits to demonstrate the relative sizes as the foetus progressed. When I got to the 19th week, I asked them how big they thought a bump might be for a baby of 19 weeks old? Some interesting guesses ensued. I then rummaged in my bag and told them I had brought in something to help show them the size. I held up a small bucket and told them I had brought a foetus in with me! Absolute, rapt silence. I then discarded the bucket and explained that of course it wasn't in the bucket as that would be silly- it was safe inside me! they were very excited and responded really well to the news, which was lovely.
Sometimes a little bit of extra effort and prep really does make a big difference! (When you teach primary, everything is a learning opportunity!)

According to my research, flan is now about the length of a banana, weighs 300g and is the approx size of a mango,which conjures some very strange fruit- based images! For today's blip I therefore bring you: 'banana balanced on bump'.

(Or should that be 'banana flan'?) :-)

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