
By Legacy

Fashion Pigeon

Once again, Blipfoto won't let me use the editing tools and I don't know why, so I couldn't crop some of the non-bird part of this picture out. This will have to do until I solve the problem.

I have a lot of pigeons in my neighborhood, and have heard tell of someone who owned a flock years ago and the flock has now gotten out of hand but never left the area. They eat just about anything except peanuts and while I like them, I do wish they would spread their joy in the other direction once in a while.

Nevertheless, when I looked out my window this morning and saw this pretty creature, I was delighted. The whole flock is clothed in various shades of grey, black and tan. I've never seen this one before and I'm a sucker for black and white fashion. I think he/she is quite pretty but you have to take into consideration that I don't have a yard full of beautiful, colorful birds.. I have little brown ground feeders, a few blue jays and crows -- none of those lovely spectacular critters blipped by others, so you can see how desperate I am if black and white impresses me. Maybe I can get this one in flight -- that might be a thrill.

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