Make no ......

...... Mistake!
I went out at 7.55am to post a letter and get this blip. It struck me how far we have to go to make sure these unprecedented times come to an end. I really hope whatever the results by the PM on Sunday people will still be aware of the care/ distancing and general washing of hands etc . We certainly have a long road to travel .
It looks to be another lovely day weather wise tho' , the forecast does look inclement for the weekend !
Really should try and start to tidy the front garden, but this will present me with problems as I can't knee which is needed . Still I'll do what I can. It's all the green rubbish I have for disposal that worries me . Even when the tip opens I won't be able to get down there for a long time to come . Oh well think more about that latter .
Have a good day and stay safe blippers .

Grateful ..... for another warm day .

P. S. Forgot to give an accolade to the Halifax bank yesterday - - - the branch I use in Purley S.Croydon . I had an unexpected phone call to just see how I was and is there anything they could help with . They were genuinely concerned , I was very touched.

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