
By Craftmonkey


The night before we head on our holidays. We stayed at a lovely B+B in Ayr the night before as it was a morning flight from Prestwick. I was in the bedroom getting pjs out for Oliver and I while he was playing with his toys. I had turned the shower on so that Oliver knew he was going in and he tries to get himself undressed.
I realised it was quiet... and yes you guessed it, this is what I found. I hadn't pulled the glass door across properly and being the cheeky monkey and water baby that he is, he had pushed it open and climbed the little step. He was having a whale of a time. I had to call Scott as I couldn't stop laughing. The only way he would let me strip him was getting in myself!
We had to find a radiator to dry the clothes and shoes so they didn't go in the luggage soaking wet and adding an extra 10kg or so! We were flying Ryanair and only had 15kg each for the 3 adults so every ounce was crucial!

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