
By Saxysax


Z took this photo and it outclassed anything i could take, she kindly allowed me to use it today for my blip.

Nice day today -its all gone by in a bit of a blur.
good run this morning - ended up running through ley hill, a lovely little village with loads of VE day bunting and flags. Felt very British and wonderful.
Managed to get into the bees, had a peek through last weeks swarms observation window and it looks like they have drawn loads and loads of comb.  Also think the split may have a laying queen, will confirm next week.
Then went into the hive that swarmed last week.  I saw a freshly layed queen piping away which was a great sight.  2 hours later she decided to swarm and they settled in a place i could not get anywhere near - they have gone off to find a new home elsewhere which is pretty gutting and completely my fault.  But a good lesson and reminder of how things should be done.

lovely walk with the family around the field - quite a few people had made areas to hang out in the long grass which again felt very british and summery.

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