If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Poppy Bud.

Clearly the main event today was marking the 75th Anniversary of VE day.  Being a few years older than Clickychick I remember rationing and VE day being mentioned regularly by my elders.  I can remember a morning when I was in infant school where we were all taken into the Primary school (another part of the same building but you had to go out and then in again) where in assembly the Headmaster (Mr Beaty) explained that sweets were no longer rationed.  I think they were the last thing which was rationed, perhaps it might have been best if they had continued to be ratioed.

The blip is one of our poppies just starting to emerge from the bud.  Unlike Clickychick I haven't tried to do anything vicious or unusual with it.  The hirsute nature of the buds and the texture of the crumpled petals where I thought interesting.

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