More memorabilia

The Army group shows my Father in law who served in Egypt during the War.
He is under the brass button.
That was given to my Mother as a girl from a neighbour who served in WW1.
She kept the button well polished until she died.
I have only polished it to Blip.
The Mickey Mouse gas mask was mine.Looks more like Donald Duck..
I don't think I ever wore it but my Mam kept everything.I
The German helmet was given to my son by a friend whose Uncle had served in Sicily.He had found it on the beach and kept it.
The lads Uncle was killed at another time.
There was a lot of loud music being played last night two doors along.
Loads of empty bottles strewn all over.They're out now clearing it up.
Another sunny day hope it's the same where you are.
I'm off into the garden again.

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