hello again

By admirer


The silliness began yesterday.
I stood on the balcony and a flower chafer did fly in frenetic circles in the air. On and on. Then suddenly with a nose dive like a kamikaze pilot he/she landed in a flower box right before me. I looked closer, but the beetle did not move at all, now this one is dead, I thought. And left the poor insect lying there.
Today, thinking of a silly scene, I thought why not use Plick and Plock as props. I will find the chafer again and put it on a wooden something and let Plick and Plock carry it away.
Of course I could not find the beetle, but nearby I saw another one.
And this one was walking in a circle around the bottom of a big flower pot. I did stop the poor animal and let him land on a leaf. This leaf I took a photo of, the flower chafer hanging in the air. Then I put it at the soil, and to my surprise the beetle started to dig a hole and disappeared in it.
I really never had seen a thing like that. In my extra photo the beetle has half disappeared.

Today a lovely sunny day. I had to slow down, and not work in the garden, just give water to the plants and the birds. They needed it.

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