
By woolyme

My 300th was difficult

Today I wanted to think of something really special for number 300.
I'd asked to borrow Brickmakers 300th brick but that would be cheating and hardly original.... So thanks BM but I had to think harder.
Ha I thought 300 in lego bricks.... again not that original and if I am honest...a bit boring for 300.

So what to do?

I went to visit my Dad at Chichester Hospital and found this in the cloisters courtyard and thought hey that looks good (I've pictures of the stained glass windows all the court yards too) but this looked good on its own, except when I went in for a close up hey ho what do I find cobwebs from the face and for some reason that one felt right!

So this was the original cloisters to the close up I used, but I love the hand holding the robe.

so onward and upward. Mothers day tomorrow

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