Gormley through trees

Just the Gormley near us, so nothing exciting. But I'd never noticed this rear view before.

A rather lazy day. A short walk this morning. Zoom with S and H, who haven't left the confines of their house and garden in Barnton since March. A short sleep in the afternoon (not sure why I'm so tired) and awoke to find there were brownies downstairs to collect from Ridgeback13! She's turning into a fairy godmother who bakes like a demon and then heads around Edinburgh depositing the results on people's doorsteps. Amazing. As she'd left them and moved on to her next delivery, I was lucky that they hadn't disappeared before I got there.

Mr A, meanwhile, has been very busy in the kitchen, producing various goodies including a mango mousse. Unfortunately, he too had a sleep and left a loaf in the oven far too long :-(

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