Orange Tip and Forget-me-nots

Today's the day ……………………… to tantalise

I've been trying (unsuccessfully) for ages - to take a picture of a male Orange Tip butterfly, showing his orange tips.  This is as close as I've got.  But just as I was about to click, he shut his wings - and so you'll just have to take my word for it. 

The promised northerly winds arrived today, straight from the Arctic and despite the sunshine, it was not a day to linger in the garden.  I telephoned a couple of friends that I had not spoken to for a while - and that I knew would be having to self-isolate.  I'm pleased to report that they were cheerfully well and just making the most of things.

In the meantime, I'll keep chasing the Orange Tips - and let you know the minute I manage to (digitally) capture one …………………..

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