MonoMonday Challenge 329 - High Key

It has been rainy since yesterday afternoon.  I finally got back on the bike trainer Saturday afternoon after the family outing to the park and after a week of being a slug.

Difficult to explain the slug parameter, but suffice to say that work load, allergies, asthma, caginess and overall life frustration all fit in to the equation. :)

Yesterday was a bad day suffering through chest tightness and asthma.  Picking up the pieces today.  Bike jersey and shorts are washed and dried.  Now hanging from the handlebars, they are inviting me to take another spin.  In lieu of a workout, I will use one more time for a MonoMonday theme. :::)))

The soft rain is batting down the cottonwood puffs that plague me each May.  I can feel a ride on the trainer coming tomorrow!

Thanks to Carolina for hosting this month's MonoMonday Challenge.

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