Mono Monday : : High Key

It was sunny this morning when we  got up and during our 8am live Zoom Pilates class with Megan. My favorite moment was when she told us to try and roll over without using our hands and then said...'I just rolled into my closet....' John takes the Monday morning class with me and it is quite a challenge to avoid each other in a small space. At least we don't have to worry about social distancing...He's definitely in my bubble....

The clouds began drifting in as we moved on to our after class Zoom coffee. Quite an interesting discussion about the Vietnam war and how it affected our families. The conclusion was that we never learn. All three of the men were against the war and managed to find alternatives to serving that were more in keeping with their personal beliefs. 

By the time my computer battery died and brought the meeting to an end, it had started to rain and my plan to look for a high key picture outside was shot. I decided to try and do a high key portrait, but my only subjects were Ozzie, sound asleep on his bed, and John who had gone off in search of wine and beer...definitely essentials. so I was stuck with a selfie. I would have liked a white background better than John's office chair...

I had thought about documenting the evolution (or devolution) of my hairdresser-less coiffure, so here is the second installment. The first is my profile picture. I can't help wondering how long my hair will be before this is over. I gave John a little trim around his ears, but declined his offer to return the favor....

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