
By Cumbrialass

A walk in the park

Not quite as cold but certainly not as warm as last week. 
Walked up to the park . We are lucky to have this so near. It's a good size and lots of different areas, The wind dropped and we paused a couple of times to sit and just admire the view (apparently we are now officially allowed to sit.. but everyones been doing that anyway) We still made sure we didnt touch the benches. 

Fletch likes the wide open space at the top of the hill.  Hes learnt to do rolly pollies whilst still on his long lead, though occasionally we have to untangle him.

We were out a long while but there was no rush to get back . 

Once home I began to sew up all the bits of the jacket I've just knitted, while Fletch snored next to me 

Blip is of the water irises which have suddenly burst into flower

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