
I'd intended to spend a bit of time in the garden today with my macro lens looking for something suitable for Tiny Tuesday. This little fly then posed on the erigeron and just one shot later it was job done. I like the colours.

We popped down to the local shops afterwards to collect our prescriptions and a few bits and bobs. We've got some disposable face masks as well as some washable ones which came in the post today. I didn't wear one, though maybe I should. I'm finding that with a mask my glasses keep steaming up. Anybody else having this problem.

Yesterday evening we watched a free film, courtesy of Lloyds Bank. There was a lot of choice, quite a few I've had on my list to see for a while, including Official Secrets, Mr Jones, Ad Astra and JoJo Rabbit. So of course we watched Judy, great Oscar winning performance from Renée Zellweger.

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