Just a Daisy......

A bit of a feeling of Groundhog Day today. I did my usual trip to the supermarket for dad and then a short visit to deliver it. It's not really feasible to just leave it all on the doorstep, so I do go in to his flat and put it all away. And to just check everything's OK with him. 

it wasn't an easy visit today. He's very frustrated at not being able to do the simple things. And unfortunately I get this frustration thrown at me too. I let him say his bit and then just leave. There's nothing I can do to make it better at the moment. Even an offer of a short walk outside was refused today. 

By the time I get home I feel a little calmer. 

Our lunch time walk was a cooler affair today. Coats required. But nature is still moving on. It was time to get right down to ground level to capture a daisy.

A bit of online retail therapy this afternoon. Some gardening stuff bought, bird food bought, and a macro ring flash! The last was a long standing impulse buy. I've been meaning to get one for ages, and seeing as I've not spent much on going out for meals and coffees, etc... There's been a bit more cash in my pocket. Looking forward to having fun with it when it arrives.

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