
By strawhouse

Little Miss Chef

Miss L loves to cook. This is her making the most amazing spicy honey chicken whilst chatting to her friend. Miss E on FaceTime. Miss E was also cooking the same dish so they were simulcooking!! It made me laugh, like that round of Masterchef where they’re separated by a wall and have to communicate effectively.
I don’t know how Miss E’s turned out but Miss L’s was unbelievably good. With no help whatsoever.
Several things strike me about this photo.
Firstly Miss L seems to have grown a foot since lockdown started.
Secondly, half the doors on our crappy kitchen cabinets have fallen off or are hanging on by a thread. It drives me mad. We were so close to ordering our new kitchen last year when Mr K lost his job and all our financial woes started. We’ll be stuck with the crappy kitchen for a while yet :-(
Thirdly, I grew an actual avocado tree from scratch (in the brown pot on the windowsill) It makes me so happy seeing it get a bit bigger every day.
Fourthly, and probably most excitingly at the moment, I forgot to mention that our new mop arrived the other day. The reviews said it was the best mop in history and would change your life. I doubted that. I just wanted a bucket that you could actually use to squeeze the water out.
We’ve had a cleaner for the last few years and god knows what’s happened to our steam mop. Last seen circa 2016!!!!
Oh. My. God. The mop is amazing!!!!!!
The bucket has a pedal and it spins the mop like a salad spinner so it’s virtually dry. Just enough to clean the floor without soaking it.
AND it gets in all the corners and properly cleans the floor in just a few minutes.
Even more amazing is that I got so excited about a mop!!
Last night when I first realised what the spinny bucket thing did I called Mr K and the Little Misses in to have a go. They loved it too.
The family that mops together.......

Ok, that’s enough about the mop!
We had an amazing email this morning from Miss E’s English teacher:

I just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know how well Miss E did in her recent English assessment. Miss E has really embraced the rhetoric unit and has produced a fantastic letter which used a full range of complex rhetorical devices, and showcased her impressive written accuracy. It really was a joy to read and I would be very grateful if you would congratulate her on her achievement.

Miss E deflected the compliment saying she was sure everyone got one. I said I doubted it and she should be proud of herself as we are.
I stayed up far too late writing my book. In the end Mr K came in and ripped the computer away. He always stays up too late!

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