Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

Today did not start off well. I did not want to wake up at 4.30. I did not want to get up at 5.45. But such is life! I can't even blame the small went something like this;

4.30 - Chris comes in from work and has to move Amelie from his side of the bed.
4.31 - Amelie starts coughing.
5.00 - Amelie finally settles back to sleep.
5.02 - Amelie starts snoring.
5.20 - Amelie stops snoring.
5.25 - Bump gets hiccups.
5.30 - Bump obviously doesn't like hiccups and decides to have a dance...
5.45 - I begin to realise I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep.
5.50 - I get up.

At least I managed a cup of tea before she woke at 6.30.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Daddy today! I won't say how old he is (twenty nine) but lets say he is getting to the stage where he has started to try and say it in a different way (twenty five and forty eight months) to try and make it sound better!

Amelie and I were out on an epic trip to the Dr's this morning. I had a midwife appointment (36 weeks!) and then Amelie had an appointment about her horrible cough. We came away with a prescription for a brown preventative inhaler, rather than her usual blue one which we use as and when. The brown one will be used two puffs, twice a day, when she has a cold or cough like this and when it starts to improve it will be reduced to one puff twice a day. When she is okay then we can cut it out completely.

We popped into the library afterwards as a little treat because I had decided not to send her to nursery today (due to slightly gunky eyes). Then it was home to see Chris, give him his presents and bake him a cake.

I have actually surprised myself these past two days in the baking department. Not so long ago I declared I would only be baking solo, after some stressful toddler baking encounters. ''Its a Granny's job'' I hastily said. It could be that she is slightly older now or it could be I'm just taking her into consideration a bit more, but she's helped me lots and only hindered me slightly yesterday and today. Our only big mishap was when I was filling the 2nd cake tin and she was supposedly licking the spoon; I turned round just in time to see her heap a spoonful of salt from my salt seller, into cake number one. I swiftly scooped it out and the cake survived.

I'm not happy with these two images together but I love them both. Couldn't not have a birthday cake picture with Daddy and I loved her cheeky secret eating of the mixture face in the other one.

So Amelie has been in bed a while, I'm hoping she gets a good night sleep, Chris is playing a game on the Xbox (why not, its his birthday after all!) and I think I may head off to bed!

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