
By ClairOverThere

Starting over

End of the lockdown diary and start of a new phase.
Not back to normal, but a step forward.
First day back to school for Tess, who's in her final year of primary school. 
A maximum eight kids per class and not all classes back for now. A small village school in one of the "green zones" (France is split into red or green, red for the worst affected areas, where there are a few more restrictions than here)... she wanted to go back and we thought it would be good for her, in many ways, to finish her primary school days, if not normally, at least less brutally. 
We'll see how it goes! 
Today was a success anyway. Well-organised outside the school gate so parents weren't all bunched together (not that there were many anyway, not compared to usual!) and Tess's verdict ... "It was brilliant!" - we'll see if she still thinks so in a few days' time, but so far, so good!

In other news... we're still waiting for the insurance assessor to sort the car (that hit a badger), I'm still reasonably busy with work, the other two are still diligently home schooling and Gaël is going back to work (again - at least for a couple of days!) tomorrow. Dishwasher is still broken, washing machine is still just hanging on! Small blessings :-D

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