River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Veggie Patch

Finished clearing the little strawberry & veggie patch from yesterday, planted red cabbage, red orach & 3 dwarf curly kale - arranged net & old freezer trays around the edge in an attempt to keep cats off the edibles!
Line full of washing dried in the coolish wind, nice sunshine though.
Gathered alongside my neighbours on the road to wave off our old friend who sadly passed away a week ago, she was in her nineties and had lived a very full life. She was the third person to die since lockdown began, the other 2 gentlemen had cancer and dementia and were both 70.
Watched 1st episode of second series “Roaming in the Wild” from BBC Scotland https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0008n9l - fascinating presenters, original music & narrative, a perfect watch for our current situation, thinking of watching the 3 episodes of Series 1 again!!
MrD is clearing brambles and trimming back hawthorn which is like a tree - lots more light into the garden.
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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