
By photosbylt

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There are two Baltimore Orioles that have decided to make the hummingbirds share. Who needs the orange feeders!?
Extra 1 is both Orioles, a Cardinal, and a Goldfinch.  It is taken through the window with the glare of the front door window, so not a great photo. I didn't want to open the door and scare any of the visitors away.
The Goldfinches started coming about a week ago, so I added a feeder for them. I have gotten a few decent shots of them, but not great.

Extra 2 is an Eastern Bluebird that showed up today too.

I will need to work on by bird photography if I'm going to be at home with lots of visitors. Miya was laying in the yard for all of these - tired from her run along with my husband's bike ride.

Thanks for all the starts and visits to my photos. Feel free to let me know if I have mis-named a bird type. I use the Merlin Bird ID app if I'm not sure what I am looking at, but I might be incorrect.

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