
By GirlKojak

Wonder ...?

Architecture is not based on concrete and steel and the elements of the soil. It's based on wonder.

(Daniel Libeskind)

Well, I wonder what you think about this concrete construction? It is County Hall in Durham. I have a strange kind of affection for it, although I don't think it is very characteristically 'Durham'. The archaeologist in me (I studied archaeology for my first degree) believes that it is possible to reflect the character of a place in modern architecture; that it is possible to be innovative in design and yet maintain harmony with historical surroundings. Unfortunately this is increasingly not happening in this beautiful city.

You won't be surprised to know that this is a 1960s construction. It was opened by the Duke of Edinburgh on 14 October 1963, and was built at the staggering cost of £2.75 million! Just a few years ago one of the Councillors tried to get listed status for the building. I suspect the fact that I don't know the result suggests that he failed.

I've had it in the back of my mind to do a nighttime blip of this for some time. When the lights are on you can see in to a lot of the offices and I like the way it shows life 'happening', so to speak. But the sun was shining onto it as I drove past today, and it looked quite bright and twinkly, and alive. I've added a slight effect ('William' on and rounded the corners in the hope that it gives the photo a bit of a '60s feel, in keeping with the building itself.

Thank goodness Durham isn't (yet) a Concrete Jungle.

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