Flower on the Path

"Nana, Nana, look!" 
I thought he was looking at the sun on some large leaves hanging over the path. But no, it was the flower their shadow was making. I feel so happy that they get excited about the beauty of Creation.

And then we read about the creation of Narnia in The Magician's Nephew :

...the voice was suddenly joined by the other voices; more voices than you could possibly count. They were in harmony with it, but far higher up the scale: cold, tingling, silvery voices. The second wonder was that the blackness overhead, all at once, was blazing with stars. They didn't come out gently one by one, as they do on a summer evening. One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leapt out - single stars, constellations and planets, bigger and brighter than any in our world...

Reminded me of Job 38, where God asks Job, 
   "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth...
    while the morning stars sang together
    and all the divine beings shouted for joy?"

- every day, fresh beauty
- Deb and Sam having a good day at our church's Foodbank
- a walk with Mike to deliver another of Julia and Tom's thank-you's

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