A long walk

Which took 1hr 45minutes!!! We did the same walk today as we did in March before the lockdown.
I speak to R every day on WhatsApp whilst she is out for her walk, but B doesn’t enjoy / hear very well on the phone, so all the news is relayed by me at present.
This is an old disused railway line which is used by walkers and cyclists. We must have seen about 30 people in total over the time. Everyone very aware of their distancing.
There was only one idiot, cannot think of any other way to describe him. A scruffy 50 something bloke wearing a high viz vest, on a bike. We were in a wider area, on one of the bridge areas about 6metres wide, when he rode down the middle shouting ‘keep to the left, 2 metres apart, move move‘!!!! We turned to avoid being spat at as he shouted!!!
It was great to be able to catch up on the news and see family groups on their bikes.
On the way home we bought a couple of 20 kg bags of bird seed. I wore my newly made mask in the store. Not that I needed it, as I asked for what I wanted, tapped the card to pay and the chap carried them out to the car.
After lunch I slept for an hour on the bed, then got lots of little jobs done!!!!
A good day :0)

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