Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

Surprise Hole In Wall

We got home today to find builders scaling the outside of the house on bamboo scaffolding, and a hole smashed through the wall into our bedroom (through which you can see this cheery fellow!).

We were not aware this was going to happen.

The landlord was approached and he blamed everyone apart from himself and took no responsibility, didn't apologise and couldn't say what was going to happen next. He is a ****.

Our lovely landlady is not here and was upset and worried about what was going on. Even her brother and wife came round to try and help and offered to clean up the brick and plaster from the floor! Bless them, of course we didn't let them, but the gesture was fantastic and a million times better than anything that came out of matey boy's mouth. We are hoping that he leaves as soon as possible (he lives in Germany normally).

We have now moved into another room in preparation for tomorrows continued onslaught on the house.

Oooooom! :-)

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