
Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine

Quiet thoughts come floating down
And settle softly to the ground
Like golden autumn leaves around my feet
I touched them and they burst apart with sweet memories,

This morning I attended a retirement party for one of my dearest friends. We share a birthday, a work history, and love for each other that has lasted over the years. I'm happy for her today...she has a new beginning and a long happy retirement to look forward to...but being in that place reminded me of all the people I've loved and missed over the years..

My friend gave me this rose today, and the overlaying photo was taken many years ago...our friend Ada in blue has passed is Jan who retired may recognize my dear friend Sue who has adventures with me often...and if you look very carefully you may recognize that woman in black between the two in white, who I used to be...

A melancholy morning for me...but filled with love and good memories...

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