
By tookie

Buzzing Hummer in Flight

Buzzing with delight
She's giving me some sugar
I'm high as a kite!

Since I'm finishing up plantings on the deck today I decided to see about getting more hummingbird images....they were buzzing all about so I sat and watched.. They love to buzz me and to buzz Cowboy as he trots around.  Thank you for the lovely comments on yesterdays....and stars and may end up getting bored as I may post more if I can get some....have a good week.
     The county I live in now has a manditory directive to wear masks in public  indoors and outside.  Before it was only suggested but now manditory directive which is fine by us as more things are opening and being safe about it may help us not having as big a resurgent.  I'm not sure too many will comply , but I hope so as some of us are still higher risk.  If not for yourself to it for others please and thank you;)
    Cowboy had a good run at the dog park and we met up with a friend and her dog so Cowboy is now sleeping soundly and a happy pup senior!!

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