Life with Alice

By elirin

WHEN Is She Coming?

We were going walkies with our friend altopiano, but it started to rain when we were just about to leave so this is me looking out the window to see if I can spot her. It passed quickly, and then we went through both the first and the second oak meadows, all the way over to the sheep barn! It was empty, which was odd, because there are no sheep yet in the meadows. I jumped lots of rocks and we found another orienteering stick and had a great time! Thanks altopiano! 

In the evening, there was a bit of an incident. In the kitchen. Mum was making a warm Danish smørrebrød called H C Andersen. It’s made with cooked spinach leaves, liver pâté, mushrooms, bacon and baked tomato. What’s there not to like?? She had buttered two slices of white bread, and then, inexplicably, left the kitchen to change sheets. With the bread on the table. With the chair out. Uh. Oh. 

She ran back when she realised her mistake. I had eaten one already and had the second one in my mouth. She grabbed me and took whatever she could away from me. Naughty!! She said. You’re in the dog house, Alice! She said in her head. NOT happy. 

I just want to point this out. We have a Poodle Fridge rules magnet on the fridge. The second rule is: If I can reach it, it was meant for me. And mum admitted, after five minutes of rage, that it was her fault and that she was sorry. And I didn’t get sick, so all is well now. 

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