Short Stroll

Some of our neighbours have really lovely, anonymous blooms.  Some gardens look wild but are actually well tended.  We are fortunate to be situated in this kind of an area.

The Molecular Biology MOOC is drawing to a close, three weeks in five days, as I estimate it will be done by tomorrow, capped by yet another exam.  There are a couple of courses I'm doing in between, but there is even less pressure there.

AW has been busy laying down more tiles along the outside wall, widening the path on what is actually public (municipality) property.  There was a lot less gaming this week, and about an equal amount of Outlander as last week (only on YouTube).  There are scenes I really enjoy watching over and over, and they'll be worn out in the course of time, as usual, but I don't mind.  And so our 11th week is about to end.  For all the isolation I've been practicing, the experience has been quite intense, relatively speaking, as I have been focused all this time on some goals.  Not a bad anti-boredom strategy.

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