
By monkus

The early morning rain calming down into clammering humidity, decreasing intensity and whitened clouds calling for movement. At the you bike stand my card taking half a dozen attempts before working, eventually getting myself a bike and cycling off towards the hills. 

Paths are damp, weighted air still and humid, the wind calmed, perfect weather for mosquitos hanging around the first rest point, biting ankles as i pause for a drink, quickly moving again, resisting the urge to stop and scratch every couple of steps. It's quiet, hardly another person to be seen, the scent of cut grass, the debris of trimmed edges lying around the side of the path, memories swirling in familiarity.

At the viewpoint only two people, distances sharpened in the cleared air, the western horizon topped by the cityscape, towers rising above the dark slopes the city between remaining in focus. A short walk, the weather forecast promising rain, arriving as i descend, light drizzle but the kind which soaks you without you really noticing. This time at the nearest bike stand the card refuses to work, the next stand the same, the rain getting heavier, too far to walk having forgotten my umbrella, again. Reaching an mrt station, the card working on the scanner this time, grateful that i haven't forgotten my mask, that I can get access, find my way home upon sparse peopled carriages, watching as the weight of rain splatters upon the windows.

Another downpour as I step outside, the afternoon passing in darkening clouds, the rain patterning the streets once again...

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