Nine Weeks

I was talking to my youngest son today, as I usually do, and he corrected me, reminding me that he will have been in the Army for three years this September. Where has the time gone? It seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye, likewise Samantha who started university the same day. Who can forget, Clare in London settling Sam in, me in Harrogate handing Joshua over to the Army.

Unlike lockdown which seems to have been in place forever. Clare and I have followed the guidance and with Clare working in Treliske maybe a little more social distancing than we needed to. That makes the flaunting of the lockdown, virtually since it came into effect, by some in our area hard to understand.
With the influx of ‘tourists’ now crowding the beaches and roads I fear that if a second wave of virus does come Cornwall may not get away so lightly.

Today I was concentrating on completing my ‘Grandfather’ book for my eldest granddaughter, Anais, not left now.
I need it ready for her birthday, first week in June.

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