A first for me!

We have ‘bubbles’ in Guernsey where we can meet up with anyone we choose and can spend time with them but only those we chose. Our son and family are with friends who have children which makes it better for both their families. We have ‘bubbled’ with a couple who we’ve known a long time. Hubby went out with the hubby in the couple and I went out with the wife. It was beautiful weather. After a walk we had a snack in the car and Diane suddenly spotted this Linnet directly in front of the car. I didn’t realise what it was until I looked it up! I’ve never seen one before....what a stunner! On another note I’m still doing pebbles but am now trying wood discs with small pebbles and shells (see extra). Really enjoying this! No new Covid cases in 21 days here! Wonderful. I may soon be able to see my Mum and give her a hug!!

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