
By TBay

Another day in Lockdown.

Another amazing day of lovely weather, and a result of the windless conditions I decided to crack on with my window painting. As there was no wind I felt it would be perfect conditions, but I had not taken into account the Bulrushes decision to shed it downy seeds everywhere! I had these tiny seed stuck on me, the wet paint, on the BBQ food this evening and all in the house too! However despite this I did manage to do four more windows so I am feel rather smug!

Farming - Two out hauling compost and Mr Tbay Jnr was off today with the dump trailer. Yesterday he spent the whole day removing a neighbours muck heap which is in an almost inaccessible place. This required the vintage kit out!

Mr Tbay was in his happy place today mowing the lawns. Bose  ear phones on and off he went listening to a nice bit of Rock I suspect!

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