Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Oh to cuddle them, but for the time being just seeing them in person, from a distance, is the tonic we need (and to see our daughter and son-in-law) too :)

Spent the morning making a banana bread and some cheese biscuits, which we took over to our daughters. Hubby managed to finish his book (he only reads on holiday and hates leaving mid way through a book to the next holiday). Austin is growing day by day and developing his own character and Caleb is pushing all normal 3 year old boundaries. He was a brave soldier today, pre school jabs - I think mummy was more worried than him, he was a star evidently, didn’t flinch an inch. :)

Movie night tonight, for a change (we’ll we are on holiday) - Rocketman. Very good film, great music :)


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