
By Saxysax

Queen Bee

Q and I went to our friends house that we gave bees to last week and went through the hive with them and her majesty graced us with her presence which was wonderful for both Q and new owner to see from a social distance.

Weather a bit hit and miss - much cooler with a couple of needed showers.
Indie has struggled a bit today with what her purpose so we need to have a think and give her some projects.

Q loved the Bees and he even started to read a bee manual!

Z really loved her zoom call last night with friends - she came away glowing.  She had a bit of work today and is on another zoom call this evening but its for work.

I managed to get a long run in this morning and a family dog walk this evening.

The cupboards are now bare, we must do the dreaded shop soon! blah.

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