
We managed to get up and do our not-the-park-run run before breakfast this morning, ending up doing about 3.75 miles and feeling much better for it.

After the family zoom session we headed off to our favourite garden centre on The Mendips to get some plants for our gravel bed. It was very busy but very well organised with one way systems and everyone social distancing sensibly.

Stopped to take this view just up the road from the nursery. If you look carefully (go straight down from a point about a third down from the tip of the right hand blade), you can see Glastonbury Tor again in the distance.

There was certainly plenty of wind to drive the turbine up there today.

This afternoon we had a walk across the fields towards Sharpham, getting back in time to watch poor Grant Schapps, the transport Secretary, trying to defend the indefensible Mr Cummings, on the daily bulletin. Boris really threw him under the bus leaving him to face the music with that one

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