Memorial Day Weekend

Some photos of Dogcorner Cottage( it was built in 1893 as a summer house for a Brookline resident, Dr. Brigham and his family, hence Brighamville on the old postcard) and our woods. 

We had a busy day picking up a few more geraniums and decorating the graves of family members. On the way home from T's parents' cemetery we stopped to pick up take out at our favorite Mexican place, El Sarape in Braintree. We even bought a margarita  mix to go. We have do have that ancient bottle of tequila in the closet that Raspberry & Merry always  pose with on Cinco de Mayo! Everything was delicious.

Extras, flowers and dinner

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and so much colder than yesterday. We were bundled up planting flowers after the hot weather yesterday.

All hands wary

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