
By BryanImagining

Lunch snack

Today's lunch was a can of tuna and a few of these morsels: honey dipped sesame coated almonds! Wonderfully crunchy concoctions from Trader Joe's (a grocery store chain in the states).

No time for lunch, no desire to blip the cold landscape after work in the dark, so my encrusted almond stepped up to the plate and forked over his profile for my last 105mm macro of January (as tomorrow is February). It's been an unofficial month of Macro for me, and I'm still not totally satisfied. I want to get the front half of the almond in focus, with increasing blur beyond. As it is, I'm learning that it has to do with my internal Fstop, combined with how close I am, and how much patience I have to take photos and review them (my D5000 screen is insufficient to render this level of detail, so I resort to viewing it on the laptop screen.)

It's the third item on that list I'm incompetent at...

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