
Earlier in we saw a tree surgeon’s van on one of our neighbours’ drives. We have an ash tree that’s falling to pieces and has black splits all over it. We’ve been meaning to get someone to look at it for ages. Also, the hazel tree has grown about fifty feet, mostly over next door’s fence. Also an alder that seems to have doubled in size over the last year or two. Again mostly over next door.
In an unusual fit of pro-activeness I called the number on the van and left a message to call me back. I said I could see the van as I spoke but I wasn’t expecting them to come rushing round immediately!
The man rang back in about five minutes and it turns out he was sat in the van so I told him we were in the house with the campervan outside and we waved at each other from a hundred yards away.
He said he couldn’t come today as they had another job to get to but he’d call to arrange a visit soon.
Apart from that I listed a few things on eBay, did a catchphrase quiz with Miss L, and mopped the kitchen floor.
It’s all go!

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