Cold place.

Afternoon walk. Quiet. No social distancing issues. Down the back lane and uphill across the sheep field. “Mind your feet as you go.” Over the first stile and along the track under the old trees... and past the little man-made ice house chamber. The “big house” used to be nearby. I know of few of these subterranean chambers - seen them at National Trust for Scotland places. They were the used before the invention of fridges. Some are hundred of years old. During the winter ice and snow blocks would be cut from the nearby little loch and packed in insulating material (often straw or sawdust) and put into the ice house. If densely packed the ice would stay frozen for months, often until the next winter. It would be used for keeping food cold, or for drinks. I remember being told ice blocks were often carved into ornate ice sculptures as a table centrepiece at dinner parties.

Watched some political shenanigans on TV. And in the evening after Family FaceTime our younger son and I demolished an old trellis and so on. Made quite a mess. A wee garden job is planned.

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