La vida de Annie

By Annie

Una última mirada a la playa.

Lockdown day 70.
One last look at the beach at Arenal d'en Castell before it opens on Monday, marking the start of Phase 2. I know the government is anxious to get back to "the new normal", but it still seems too soon to me, especially as the occupants of the other islands are to be allowed in. I do hope the tourists stay away for a while yet - the borders are still closed and there is a 2-week quarantine in place on anyone who does get in, plus what sort of a holiday would it be to wear a mask and go to bars and shops with restricted access rules in place? I'd hate our beautiful idyllic island to turn into bank holiday Britain at its worst.
Extra: a panorama of the view of our village, from the top of the hill behind the beach . When I enlarged it a zillion times I could just make out the top part of the house. Will have to return with a long lens sometime.

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