Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

Moaning Monday

Today is a bank holiday in the U.K.

Not really much of a day off really with the continuing measures being implemented meaning it’s another dull day of existing.

At work we decided to take it off in any event.

Most of the people we need to be in contact with won’t be available so as good a reason as any.

Weather started very bright and sunny, so an opportunity for a long walk and a catch up with Mrs 24601 before she sets off again.

I admire her resilience in this period; the amount of hours she has worked (and will work) continues to be incredible.

We ambled to Balloch and back - a full 8 miles door-to-door.

I’d much rather we had a pub or café to visit en route and at our destination.

Walking past so many places boarded up is heartbreaking. I sincerely hope that they can salvage something if they can afford to re-open.

My feet are very sore now - my walking boots need renewed and probably re-sized. I’m convinced my feet have shrunk!

Is this possible?

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