
By Madchickenwoman

A Day Like Any Other...

...only today was my birthday!
My sister had sent me a present so after putting the first of the two sourdough that had been proving in the fridge overnight I sat down to open it. To my delight it was a bag she had made for holding knitting or any other project, and inside there were smaller wrapped presents! I decided I'd open them over the course of the day! She phoned me to wish me happy birthday and we had a nice chat.
I took Oscar for a short walk and spotted the two swallows sitting on the telephone wires again! I do love seeing them! Once home I had some of my brioche and opened a present and card from The Exile - to my delight the card had swallows on it! 
Oscar had his usual play with Ivy - he was full of beans - racing round the field then wrestling with Ivy when he allowed her to catch him! On the way home I stopped at a roadside stall selling plants and bought a tree lupin! I had thought of going to a garden centre as a birthday treat, but my stomach has been bad for over a week now and also I thought there might be a lot of people there given it's a Bank Holiday! So home for lunch and a read after delivering one of the sourdough to the man with the three legged dog! He was delighted and we even got round to exchanging names!!
Come 5 O'clock  I had my first Zoom group meeting. My friend London Boy had set up 3 meetings to celebrate his birthday - which is actually tomorrow! It was a small group and I knew both the other women so it was a good if slightly odd catch up! 
After this I took Oscar for a walk then headed up to water the allotment. Good job I did as my courgette plants were wilting in the heat! I picked some strawberries and gave the hens some treats. Once home I chatted to my sister again and thanked her for all my resents - the last three i opened as i was talking to her - an emboidered hen small pillow and a little embroidered bee hive and a pretty beaded dangly thing to put on small craft scissors! 
I had bought myself a bottle of fizz from the spa yesterday but didn't feel like adding more bubbles to my digestive system so had a cup of Ginger and Honey tea instead!
The only thing I could have wished for to have made the day special was Cummings resignation or the sack - I can't believe anyone seriously felt his non-apologetic press conference lets him off the hook. 

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