twinned with trumpton


The boys went back up the road after breakfast; I took a photo of some buoys before dropping some garment returns at the PO and then home to start the week's work. 

A glorious wander so it wiz. I went out again at lunchtime to fetch essential supplies for Her (better, but still lethargic, occasional bouts of fever, but largely more settled) to take up after coal face duties had ended for the day.

Off I went, slightly delayed by DC and his frankly laughable performance. It's a toss up between Prince Andrew and the DC debacle as to who was best / worst at fabricating a story to fit the evidence already in the public doimain. 

I sympathise with him, I do. And I too have acted on instinct to protect and serve my loved ones. I have set foot in Her house when there was no real need to, so who am I to judge? Well, someone who has been tested and is negative and almost certainly not likely to succumb again immediately. Someone who is going home to his own flat, 4.2 miles away, not 260. Someone who had nasty CV symptoms and didn't return the 2 sons to their mother or my parents or to anyone else because that's not what anyone does. I had to suck it up. I don;t have any immediate family within 35 miles (OK, not 260) but I had a succession of offers from friends and colleagues all offering to do what they could within the rules. D'you know what, if I got carted off in an ambulanc, then yes, the boys would have gone to a household where they might present an infection risk. But that was not my default; that was my last resort. 
I'm no tribal follower; for the avoidance of doubt my politics are more Green than anything; but no one can condone what DC did. It was wrong. In so many ways. It's an affront on common decency. And my story is fairly trival compared with countless thousands of others who have suffered greatly to then see an unelected official flout the law with the backing of the Prime Minister and effectively be told 'fuck you' by the 'leader' of our country. Marvellous. 

I made risotto for dinner for all before sneaking back to Durham - I mean home, undetected, to be on my own and infect no one else. 

I hope Cummings stays; I think he will do more to destabilise the shitshow that is the current administraion than getting rid of him. That and Demonic Raab for PM, anyone? Ooooft...

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